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Petro Jacyk Exhibit Collection
Petro Jacyk Exhibit Collection
Collection Items
Russkii vestnik, January 1866
The first of 12 installments published in Russkii vestnik.
Poster for Crime and Punishment at 150: Global Contexts
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v tridtsati tomakh
Crime and Punishment
The Notebooks for Crime and Punishment
Crime e Castigo: romance em seis partes com epilogo
Fritz Eichenburg's illustrations to Constance Garnett's translation of Crime and Punishment from 1938
Crime and Punishment
Illustrations by Benjamin Kopman
Mikhail Shemiakin's sketches for Crime and Punishment between 164-1969
Roman odnogo peterburgskogo kvartira
Collection of photographs mapping the plot of F. M. Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
Liudmila Volkova 2
Vyna i kara : povistʹ v shesty chasti͡akh z epilʹogom : pereklad z rosiĭsʹkoho
Vyna i kara: povistʹ v shesty chastiakh z epilʹogom
Image 2
Dostoevsky Comics: Raskol
El Crimen y el Castigo
Max Burchartz 1887-1961 : Künstler, Typograf, Pädagoge
Crime & châtiment / sous la direction de Jean Clair
Catalog published on the occasion of an exhibition held at the Musée d'Orsay from March 16-June 27, 2010.
Rikos ja rangaistus : kuusiosainen romaani jälkilauseineen
Finish translation
Le Crime et le Chatiment
French translation
Zločin a trest : román o 6 dílech
Czech translation
In a postmodernist version of Dostoyevsky's "Crime and Punishment," the grandchild of the famous sleuth Erast Fandorin seeks the lost variant of Crime and Punishment in modern day Russia.
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Petro Jacyk Exhibit Collection