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Accountability in the Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada
discussion paper presented to the ministry
Different strokes from different folks: Community ties and social support
in affiliation with the Centre for Urban and Community Studies
Making taxpayer compliance easier: Preliminary findings of a Canadian survey
draft of paper prepared for the United States Internal Revenue Service Research Conference
Popular justice in Toronto: A pilot study
Policing South Africa: Reflections on Botha's reforms
draft paper following visit to Durban and collaborations at the University of Natal
The community service order for youthful offenders: Perceptions and effects
a report to the Ministry of Community and Social Services of the Province of Ontario
Sentencing, an analysis of the public's view of sentencing
presented in report to the Department of Justice
The constitution of legal inequality
for Carleton University's 1983 John Porter Memorial Lecture
Crime: Some views of the Canadian public
with note from Heather Moore of the Library of the Solicitor General of Canada. Includes research report by same authors, in affiliation with the Department of Justice and Ministry of the Solicitor General
The October Crisis: Ten years later
background materials for a seminar presented by the Centre at Innis Town Hall
The mens rea of rape: Some implications of recent case law in the context of Canadian legal reform
Probability theory and circumstantial evidence
masters thesis submitted to Centre, supervised by M. Evans and C. D. Shearing
Lawyering in the lower criminal courts: Making the best of 'bad' cases
interim research report to Canada Council, under the supervision of professors Bernard M. Dickens and P. James Giffen
Police stress and the psychological evaluation and counselling of police: A bibliography
compiled by head librarian at the Centre
The Canadian juror's view of the criminal jury trial: A report to the Law Reform Commission of Canada
Canadian trial judges' view of the criminal jury trial: A report to the Law Reform Commission of Canada
Report to the Law Reform Comission of Canada on the results of the public opinion poll conducted on matters related to the criminal jury in Canada
Law in the school curriculum: A symposium
convened by the Centre under acting director Gordon A. B. Watson for a conference at Hart House; multiple participants and authors
Prison use: A Canadian and international comparison
Criminal Law Quarterly, vol.17, no. 1
Systems analysis and the corrections system in Ontario: A preliminary study
working paper
The experience of men released from prison: Interrelationship of rejection and recidivism
presented in "Perspectives of treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration" at the Interamerican Congress of Criminology in Caracas
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