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Books drying (close-up)
"in the end a few still-damp volumes were taken back to the University of Toronto to complete the drying"
Books drying on coat hangers
"As the week wore on and many volumes stubbornly refused to dry, they were hung from coat-hangers to promote air circulation"
Books drying on coat hangers (2)
"As the week wore on and many volumes stubbornly refused to dry, they were hung from coat-hangers to promote air circulation"
Books on laundry racks
"When thawed the books were spread on laundry racks in the vacuum chamber"
Books on the floor of the vacuum chamber
"On Tuesday morning, 22 February, the racks were removed and the books rearranged on the floor of the chamber"
Books thawing in vacuum
"The crates were rearranged and stacked for greater air circulation"
Books undergoing fog-in-a-vaccum process
"another fog-in-a-vacuum is generated"
Boot camps: A select bibliography
prepared by Centre librarian for the Ontario Strict Discipline Task Force
Borotba za istnovanie
A translation of the Earl of Desmond, Gerald Fitzjames’ “'The Struggle for Survival” by Toma Tomashevskyĭ.
Bouquet Pattern
Boycott National Post button
Calgary Herald
National Post
Round button with black background. Text in white reads "Boycott National Post". There is an unclear union label below the text.
boys of the new brigade
Brains Photo 2008
Group photo of Skule Nite 2008 brains
Brains Photo 2011
Group photo of Skule Nite 2011 brains (there's a couple missing, and some overlapped as crew)
Brains Photo 2013
Group photo of Skule Nite 2013 brains
Brains Photo 2014
Group photo of Skule Nite 2014 brains
Brains Photo 2015
Group photo of Skule Nite 2015 brains
Brains Photo 2016
Group photo of Skule Nite 2016 brains
Brains Photo 2017
Group photo of Skule Nite 2017 brains
Brains Photo 2018
Group photo of Skule Nite 2018 brains
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