"Photographs taken during the ceremony for the opening of St. George Graduate Residences, in 1969. It includes photographs of St. George Graduate Residence building (inside and outside) as well as shots of speakers and guests. Some of the officials…
This book discusses the politics of the Black community’s rights in post-war Unites States. Geevshii analyzes the role of African Americans’ fight for equality in the internal politics of the U.S. and ties it to the global fight against…
These documents set out sections 91, 92, 92A, and 121 of the Canadian Constitution. Sections 91 and 92 set out the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments. Section 121 provides for free inter-provincial trade.
Table of technical drawings required of students in each year of programs in the School of Practical Science, 1901-1902, and details about manner in which drawings must be completed.
Excerpt from a weekly column in the varsity on School of Science news, January 18, 1906, p 213, mentioning an abundance of marriage notices being sent to the editor.
A songbook of the Ukrainian Sich Rifllemen from 1918, consisting of 83 national and military songs with lyrics, including illustrations of national symbols, Ukrainian historical figures, landscapes, and the army.