A button with a black background and a red exclamation in the middle. The text in white reads: "Students & Workers UNITED". Below that in smaller text: "Canadian Federation of Students". In the fold, it reads: "UNION MADE IN CANADA - RECYCLED PAPER".
A yellow button with a green gear shaped like the peace symbol. In red text it reads: "PEACE IS UNION BUSINESS". Below that in smaller text it reads: "TRADE UNIONISTS' PEACE COMMITTEE". The text in the fold says: "BAZAAR NOVELTY NIAGARA" with an…
A button with a white back ground and a red flag that has the reads: "1 May Mai". Along the edges, there the text reads: "UNITED MAY DAY COMMITTEE - PEACE & JOBS". At the bottom there is an Allied Printing Trades Council union label with shop number…
An orange and white button with the image of a scale. The text reads: "EQUAL PAY FOR WORK OF EQUAL VALUE". Below the text there is an illegible union label.
A white button with blue text that reads: "END CONTRACTING OUT". The orange and blue image in the middle shows two hands emptying a dustpan full of coins and bills. In the fold, there is a International Printing Pressman and Assistants Union label…
A button with a grey and white speckled background. The text reads: "General Strike - Defend our Social Programs". In the fold: "CAMPAIGN FOR A GENERAL STRIKE (OTTAWA) (613) 224-9303 - COMITÉ DE SANS-EMPLOI (MONTRÉAL-CENTRE) (514) 596-7094.
A blue button with white text that reads: "The Struggle Continues". Along the bottom edge there is green text that reads: "Canadian Union of Postal Workers". In the fold there is a union label and the text "Made in Canada".
A white button with text in red and blue that reads: "Free Canada Trade Mulroney". In the fold there is a Allied Printing Trades Council Label and the following text: "Cavan Spec. Advtg. 416 449-6265"
A pink, white and blue button with text that reads: "Free Day Care...not Free Trade". The first half of the text is in pink and the second half in blue. A pink border surrounds the button. At the bottom of the button there is an Allied Printing…
A beige button with text that reads: "Writers against Mike Harris". It has a geometric decorative image. There is an illegible symbol with letters in the fold.
A yellow button with text that reads: "HARRIS HAS TO GO". Below there is the slogan for the OPSEU SEFPO. The text in the fold reads: "Cavan Advertising 449-6265"
A blue and white button with the text: "Ottawa October 17 1998 - Adieu Mike Bye By Mike". The text in the fold reads: "Made in Canada by H.A.S. Novelties LTD Toronto (416) 593 1101.
A white rectangular button with the phrase: "CUPE + New Democrats IT ALL ADDS UP". Symbols are in red. In the fold it has an Allied Printing Trades Council Label with the shop number 9.
A white button with black text and a red rose. The text in the middle reads: "Change Changement". The text along the top edge reads: "International Women's Day. March 8, 1991 - La Journée internationale des femmes. le 8 mars 1991. Next to the rose…
A dark blue pinback button with the phrase: "WOMEN IN TRADES" at the top. In the middle, there is the gender symbol for women with a fist holding a wrench.