Canadian Embassy Washington DC Telegram UNGR 5313, October 6, 1980
Ambassador Peter Towe's assessment of the 1980 Presidential election campaign and the possible impact on Canadian-US relations, believing and hoping that President Jimmy Carter…
Memorandum from External Affairs Minister Mark McGuigan to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau "Implications for Canada of Reagan Presidency" October 23 1980.
A Note for use in the House of Commons offering answers as to why Prime Minister Trudeau opted to continue with Third World trip and not meet with Ronald Reagan before the inauguration
External Affairs Minister letter to Finance Minister (and former External Affairs Minister) MacEachen urging him to establish working relationship with incoming US Treasury Secretary. Letter was template sent to other ministers
Policy Planning Secretariat Director Jeremy Kinsman memo to Under Secretary Alan Gotlieb on likely friction between Trudeau and Reagan, especially over North-South and economic issues
Memo prepared probably by Paul Heinbacker giving overview of Ronald Reagan's international outlook and the expected direction of his administation's foreign policy and likely differences with Canada