Technical drawing by Edward Harrison during his time as a student at the School of Practical Science, University of Toronto. Third year, Spring term (1903-04).
This timeline illustrates how Canadian law has historically been developed and used to persecute minorities. It marks key moments in Canadian history from the perspective of how this country has responded to outsiders.
A yellow button with a green gear shaped like the peace symbol. In red text it reads: "PEACE IS UNION BUSINESS". Below that in smaller text it reads: "TRADE UNIONISTS' PEACE COMMITTEE". The text in the fold says: "BAZAAR NOVELTY NIAGARA" with an…
A button with a white back ground and a red flag that has the reads: "1 May Mai". Along the edges, there the text reads: "UNITED MAY DAY COMMITTEE - PEACE & JOBS". At the bottom there is an Allied Printing Trades Council union label with shop number…