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Collection: Criminology Grey Literature
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XXY chromosomes and crime
public lecture delivered at the University of Toronto
What is crime and why do we fight it?
public lecture delivered at the University of Toronto
Towards a phenomenological sociology or Towards a solution to the Parsonian puzzle
paper presented at the Ohio Valley Sociological Association Meetings at the University of Western Ontario in London
Towards (or away from) a theory of crime and delinquency
The sentencing of young offenders
paper prepared for the Canadian Judicial Seminar held in Toronto
The October Crisis: Ten years later
background materials for a seminar presented by the Centre at Innis Town Hall
The mens rea of rape: Some implications of recent case law in the context of Canadian legal reform
The machinery of criminal law reform
public lecture delivered at the University of Toronto
The forensic service of the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry
prepared for the 5th International Meeting of Forensic Sciences
The experience of men released from prison: Interrelationship of rejection and recidivism
presented in "Perspectives of treatment, rehabilitation and reintegration" at the Interamerican Congress of Criminology in Caracas
The constitution of legal inequality
for Carleton University's 1983 John Porter Memorial Lecture
The community service order for youthful offenders: Perceptions and effects
a report to the Ministry of Community and Social Services of the Province of Ontario
The Canadian juror's view of the criminal jury trial: A report to the Law Reform Commission of Canada
Systems analysis and the corrections system in Ontario: A preliminary study
working paper
Strategies for enhancing the scientific basis of correctional decisions
prepared for panel discussion at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting
Some developments in the study of suicide
public lecture delivered at the University of Toronto
Social networks and substance abuse: Testing social ability and disability hypotheses
paper presented for the 47th Annual Conference of the American Society of Criminology in Boston
Social defence and control of the dangerous offender
Current Legal Problems, vol. 21
Sentencing, corrections and the prevention of crime
paper delivered to the Ninth Alumni Conference on Crime and Punishment at the University of Manitoba
Sentencing, an analysis of the public's view of sentencing
presented in report to the Department of Justice
Sentencing research project
project outline by Centre research associate and University of Toronto law professor
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