Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism


Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism: Class, Class Consciousness and Activism in the "Knowledge Economy", is being published by Fernwood Publishing. TPAC is a pathbreaking study of the changing class makeup of the Canadian, other G7 and Nordic labour forces since the 1980s, documenting especially the rise of non-managerial professional employees. The book provides unprecedented tracking of the links between employment classes and higher levels of class consciousness, including the often hidden political consciousness of corporate capitalists as well as the extent of oppositional and revolutionary consciousness among non-managerial workers. The large differences exposed between class conscious capitalists and these non-managerial workers on issues of poverty reduction and global warming reveal the strategic roles these key class agents play in actions to defend or transform advanced capitalism. The most concerted evidence-based study to bring class back into grasping the intimately linked ecological, economic and political crises we now face. The TPAC book is now available for pre-order (https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/tipping-point-for-advanced-capitalism). The cost is $34, with discount of 15% using code TPAC15 until the book is published on Sept 9/23.

The data used in Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism is available for download at the University of Toronto Dataverse: https://borealisdata.ca/dataverse/CanadaWorkLearningSurveys1998-2016

Visit D.W. Livingstone's Research Profile for more information. 


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and many community-based research partners