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Books on laundry racks
"When thawed the books were spread on laundry racks in the vacuum chamber"
Books on the floor of the vacuum chamber
"On Tuesday morning, 22 February, the racks were removed and the books rearranged on the floor of the chamber"
Books thawing in vacuum
"The crates were rearranged and stacked for greater air circulation"
Books drying on coat hangers
"As the week wore on and many volumes stubbornly refused to dry, they were hung from coat-hangers to promote air circulation"
Books drying on coat hangers (2)
"As the week wore on and many volumes stubbornly refused to dry, they were hung from coat-hangers to promote air circulation"
Wayne Finlay and drying books
" The use of the chamber is not only charged for on an hourly basis, but available only at the sufferance of the Canadian Forces, who usually have other tasks to put it to; as as the week wore on Wayne Finlay, Emrys Evans, and Ray Mattadeen showed …
Books undergoing fog-in-a-vaccum process
"another fog-in-a-vacuum is generated"
Wayne Finlay and drying books (2)
"in the end a few still-damp volumes were taken back to the University of Toronto to complete the drying"
Damp books
"in the end a few still-damp volumes were taken back to the University of Toronto to complete the drying"
News reporter
"the news media showed lingering fascination with the technology of vacuum drying..."
Books drying (close-up)
"in the end a few still-damp volumes were taken back to the University of Toronto to complete the drying"
Lady Godiva Memorial Band
"All onlookers, bystanders, and band members are led into the new Engineering Library by R.H. Blackburn"
Returning the collection
"Other staff members continue to put the collection in order"
Dean Etkin and the ribbon cutting ceremony
"Dean Etkin proceeds with the ribbon-cutting ceremony"
Metro Library (1)
Metro Library (2)
Metro Library (3)
Metro Library (4)
Metro Library (5)
Metro Library (7)
Metro Library (8)
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