Caption on the back: "Principal Arthur Kruger of Woodsworth (second from the left) and Robert McGavin, chair, GC unveil the cornerstone which will be laid in the foundation when reno complete. Jovita Nagy and Pres Prichard attended. BULLETIN May 6,…
A black and white photograph of the Woodsworth Cornerstone Ceremony, showing not only the ceremony's audience but also a group of striking CUPE workers. The ceremony is taking place in front of 119 St. George Street. A podium with a microphone stands…
This press release from the Department of the Solicitor General with a statement from the Solicitor General, the Honorable Warren Allmand who announced a grant of $50,000 to support the Centre's research activities. Statements from Allmand hint at…
jpeg of preliminary (pen & ink on vellum) elevation drawing of Skule Nite 8T5 band set (design by Steve Roberts) and jpeg of
final (pen & ink on vellum) elevation drawing of Skule Nite 8T5 band set (design by Steve Roberts, construction by Allan…
A map of the St. George Campus of the University of Toronto. "Streets named; building codes; food services; parking; subway stations. Includes index to names and addresses of university buildings; location map; text; ill." (University of Toronto…