A journal containing a brief article about Ukrainian independence movements throughout history written by Skoropys-Yoltukhovsky, who established the Central Bureau of the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine in 1915 in Berlin.
An essay which covers the historical periods of Ukrainian statehood beginning with Kievian Rus' to the 'Ukrainian question' in Austria and Russia in the early 20th century.
A brochure written by Mykola Trotsky (Mykola Danko) outlining the historical and political factors surrounding the Ukrainian independence movement mostly before the war and up until the war's outbreak.
In this examination of disability rights in Canada, Deborah Stienstra finds that Canadians with disabilities still encounter significant barriers in realizing their human rights given the priority of "fixing bodies" over approaches like universal…
This is a replica of the One Dish One Spoon Wampum, which established an agreement to share resources of territories in vast regions of the Great Lakes peacefully among a number of Indigenous nations, including the Anishinaabek and Haudenosaunee.