A brochure exploring the the social conditions of women and the organization of society, written by Mykola Hankevych, one of the main founders of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party.
A biographic album of 'Ukrainian heroes', depicting the army, leaders, politicians, organizations during the war compiled by Joseph Osyp Megas, one of the founders of the Mohyla Ukrainian Institute in Saskatoon during WWI, and who represented the…
A Ukrainian translation of the Russian brochure about land tenure by Loĭko, which provides a historical background to land cultivation with examples of England and France.
A brochure written in Scranton, Pennsylvania, positing science against religion, including an interesting chapter heading titled, 'Was Christ a socialist?'.
A collection of political essays, including: Lev Tolstoy's "Patriotyzm i Uriad", Peter Kropotkin's "Politychni prava", "Lad", "Dostatok pro usikh", Jean Grave's "Konechnist revoiutsiï", ending with Mikhail Bakunin's "Zavdania sotsiialnoï…
A polemical brochure about Ukraine's economic position before World War I, and the political and economic aftermath of the Revolution following the English, French and Polish capitalist and imperial interests of plundering Ukraine, Belarus, and…
A pamphlet containing two short essays; the first an atheistic polemic by the Bolshevik Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov, stating that there are 'no true Gods and no false Gods', subsequently the second essay from Nikolai Bukharin titled 'The Church and…
A historical work examining the Ukrainian Revolution in Galicia by a former Petliurist and Colonel of the Sich Riflemen, Iulian Chaikivskyi who following the Revolution became the secretary of the All-Ukrainian State Publishing House.
A brochure summarizing how the building of Soviet Ukraine occurred focusing on the role of the Communist Party in Ukraine and the basic political organization of power.
A pamphlet by the Dutch astronomer and philosopher, Anton Pannekoek on Marxism and Darwinism translated into Ukrainian by M. Durdel and published in Winnipeg.
A satirical and humorous story written by Pavlo Krat under the nom de plume of Father Prokolupiĭ, about Father Pivtoratsky and his wife, set before the peasant uprising in Poltava in 1902.
The Statute of the Ukrainian Workers' Organization in Winnipeg containing the objectives, structure, and rules of the organization aiming to help Ukrainian-Canadians workers and labourers.
A brochure outlining the main features of the construciton of the revolutionary Soviet system, from the transitional period of the 'military communism' during the civil war to building of the 'proletarian state'.
A pamphlet about the 'Ukrainian Question' in light of the outbreak of the war and the threat of the Russification of Galicia to the 'Ukrainian national life'.
A pamphlet written by Mykhaĭlo Lozynskyĭ, including a foreword by the editor Mykola Zalizniak, which explores the historical question of 'Ukrainian citizenship' in throughout Russian and Ukrainian relations.
A pamphlet written by Mykhaĭlo Lozynskyĭ, published by the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, condemning the Russian government's 'liberation manifestos' as well as commenting on the 'gradual citizenship' of peoples under Nicholas II in…
A publication summarizing the major activities of the Russian intelligentsia under the rule of Tsar Nicholas I, in Moscow and Saint Petersburg from the 1830's to the European Revolutions in 1848.