A brochure in the form of a literary work by Dmytro Antonovych about the distressing fate of a labourer under the control of 'authority' and the land owning 'lords'.
A brochure claiming Russia will not 'liberate' the people she intends to protect with the outbreak of the war, including an attachment outlining Ukraine's relations with Balkan states as well as appeals to the public opinion to sympathize with the…
A pamphlet outlining the political landscape required for the establishment of an independent Ukraine in the context of the war as well as the involvement of Germany and Russia.
A historical piece looking at 'Sweden's forgotten ally', Ukraine, examining the two states' relations particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries, while also polemicizing about the contemporary geopolitical role of Russia in Eastern Europe as well as…
A brochure covering the history of Ukraine from the beginnings of the Ukrainian people and their geographic territory before the 10th century to the contemporary 20th century and the Ukrainian Independence Movement.
A pamphlet presenting the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine position in response to the Russian General Staff's notice about the nature of this Ukrainian political organization.
An additional brochure about democratic republics and a potential autonomous Ukrainian state, attached to the clandestine monthly publishing organ of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party titled 'Selianyn'.
A brochure by the Polish socialist propagandist, Szymon Duckstein, writing under the pseudonym, Jan Młot in Geneva, who popularized Marxists theories in the 1880's and 1890's.
A brief review of the program of the Ukrainian Socialist Party, stressing the democratic line that underpins the party's objective along with expanding its 'cultural work' through 'activities' by the means of using the Ukrainian language.
A brief pamphlet providing an account of the Ukrainian Independence Movement in Austria, to the Ukrainian Revolution, until the various iterations of Ukrainian governments from 1918-1919.
A pamphlet providing a brief historical overview of Ukrainian state organizations from the period of the end of the Cossack Hetmanate until World War I.