A piece about land tenure in Ukraine where the land is the property of the 'whole people', that is, all the workers who work on it with 'their own hands'.
Second edition in Ukrainian of the 'Tale of the Wicked Tsar: how he came to his senses and gave his people advice', written by the Russian Feliks Volkhovsky.
A general pamphlet released by the Union for Liberation of Ukraine, addressing all aspects of the Ukrainian nationality, ranging from language, land, religion, history, patriotic responsibilities among the thirteen covered topics.
Notes and materials calling for the independence of Ukraine from Imperialist Russia and the establishment of a Ukrainian democratic republic through a national revolution in the context of World War I.
Ukrainian translation by Antin Krushelnytsky of Gabriela Zapolska's short play 'W Dąbrowie górniczej' from 1899, whose action revolves around the instigation of a strike and explores the theme of solidarity within the mining community.
A report from the Society of 'Rural Farmers' in the matter of safeguarding livestock and the development of the conditions for associations protecting livestock in 1911.
A historical novel in three parts set in the seventeenth century written by Valentyn Otamanovskyi under the pseudonym Val. Zlotopolets including illustrations and maps.
An outline of the history of the Sich Riflemen regiment and its connection to the Ukrainian People's Republic throughout the two year struggle of the Ukrainian people for freedom and independence.
Statute of the Union of Ukrainian Journalists and Writers approved at the General Meeting on September 10 and 12, 1919. The document outlines the need to protect the 'prestige' of the Ukrainian press along with professional interests of the union…