Newspaper clipping producing a copy of Professor Edwards's written letters to the editor of the Globe and Mail, regarding the statements made about the situation between the Centre of Criminology and the provincial government grants / research…
This research proposal was submitted to the Canada Council for approval sometime in the early 1970s. No date is listed in this submission. As Director of the Centre for Criminology, Professor Gordon Watson co-ordinated this study ofthe operation of…
Watercolor caricature presented to Professor Tony Doob following the years-long study of the Peel Region Police. Illustrated figures include former Peel Police Chief Douglas Burrows, Joseph Terdick, and former Peel Police Chief William Teggart.
This press release from the Department of the Solicitor General with a statement from the Solicitor General, the Honorable Warren Allmand who announced a grant of $50,000 to support the Centre's research activities. Statements from Allmand hint at…
Newspaper clipping provides an account of Professor Edward's refusal to accept the grants from the provincial government who requested that secret report findings be kept hidden from the public. The coverage lists the ongoing dispute with Provincial…
Toronto Star article highlighting Professor Ericson's 11-month study of the Peel Regional Police Force and the controvery that arose from his published research findings.
Newspaper clipping provides a description of the Centre of Criminology's refusal to do secret research for the Ontario government as it directly goes against the University's policy on publishing research results. As a result of this refusal, the…
Coverage on the issue of Centre for Criminology funding from provincial government. Here the coverage notes that the Centre will lose its grants unless it agrees to let the Government control its research projects.