From Library and Archives Canada: "Medal presented to Indian chiefs to commemorate Treaty Numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Year digit would be added following inscribed: "187" Treaty digit would be added following inscribed "INDIAN TREATY NO" This medal…
This website contains interactive maps related to Indigenous peoples in Canada. This collection includes: a Story Map, two History Maps, a Treaties and Land Claims map, a Present Day: First Nations map, and a Present Day: Inuit Map.
The following description is adapted from Onondaga Nation, People of the Hills, "Two Row Wampum – Gusweñta", online: Two rows of blue, each symbolizing a different nation.…
IdleNoMoreMedia, the creator of this video, provides the following description:
"This summer the Supreme Court of Canada made a historic ruling that the Tsilhqot'in Indigenous nation in British Columbia holds Aboriginal title to its traditional…