IdleNoMoreMedia, the creator of this video, provides the following description:
"This summer the Supreme Court of Canada made a historic ruling that the Tsilhqot'in Indigenous nation in British Columbia holds Aboriginal title to its traditional…
The following description is adapted from Onondaga Nation, People of the Hills, "Two Row Wampum – Gusweñta", online: Two rows of blue, each symbolizing a different nation.…
This website contains interactive maps related to Indigenous peoples in Canada. This collection includes: a Story Map, two History Maps, a Treaties and Land Claims map, a Present Day: First Nations map, and a Present Day: Inuit Map.
From Library and Archives Canada: "Medal presented to Indian chiefs to commemorate Treaty Numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Year digit would be added following inscribed: "187" Treaty digit would be added following inscribed "INDIAN TREATY NO" This medal…