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27 December 1950: The View From The Hague

Canadian Ambassador to the Netherlands Pierre Dupuy responds to Reid’s two memoranda with a memorandum entitled “The Soviet Menace as Seen from the Hague.” The first consideration is that of “unorthodox war,” which would entail a Soviet coup in Western countries using airborne divisions to parachute in and take control using the help of local communist parties. Dupuy considers this to be quite likely given current circumstances. The other possibility is that of conventional war, and Dupuy considers this to be the better option because it gives the West the greatest chance of success. The focus, therefore, needs to be on increasing forces throughout Western Europe and organizing a “home guard” in each country. Finally, the memorandum covers what Dupuy feels should be the “war aims” of the West. The ultimate goal is to overthrow the Soviet Union because “the continuation of a policy which condemns the whole world to the endless, sterile anxieties of war, cold or hot, will not be permitted.”

Canadian Ambassador, The Hague to Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs, "The international crisis arising out of the defeat of United Nations forces in Korea," 27 Dec. 1950, LAC, RG 25, vol. 4758, file no. 50069-D-40, part 1.

27 December 1950: The View From The Hague