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13 August 1957: Memorandum for the Prime Minister

Attached to a memo to newly-elected Prime Minister John Diefenbaker is the advance copy of the US reply, which is relayed in a telegram from the Canadian Embassy in Washington. The current issue for the Canadians is the timing of publication, which both the Americans and the Canadians agree should be postponed until the next day (August 15). As well, there is some concern that if it were to be published before Diefenbaker was briefed, he would be unable answer questions with accuracy.

The advance copy of the US note is receptive to the Canadian concerns but indicates that that the procedures which have been—and continue to be—followed by US security agencies are “consistent with the assurances [the Canadians] seek.” The note concludes with the observation that “the two governments will continue to consult concerning mutually satisfactory arrangements covering the exchange of info.”


Memorandum for the Prime Minister, ‘‘Exchange of Security Informatiom: Canada-U.S.A.,’’ 14 Aug. 1957, LAC, RG 25, vol. 8561, file no. 50303-40, part 1.1.

13 August 1957: Memorandum for the Prime Minister