A pamphlet written by Stepan Rudnytskyi under the pseudonim Sh. Levenko describing characteristics of the Ukrainian nationality, from race, language, history, culture, land, and the issue of Ukrainian Independence.
A pamphlet about the conditions for Ukrainians and Ukrainian autonomy in Austria-Hungary, including a brief overview of Ukrainian educational, cultural, and economic organizations.
An informative overview of Galicia, including a summary of the various national, cultural and political interest groups of the region, by the Austrian Member of Parliament, Yevhen Levytskyi.
A Ukrainian translation edited by Mykola Zalizniak of Wilhelm Liebknecht, one of the main founders of the Socialist Worker's Party of Germany, who published numerous articles on the topic of socialism and the role of Russia and Germany, in the…
A manuscript which provides a brief overview of Polish history and discusses the 'Polish question' in the context of World War I, and within the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
A pamphlet by Julius Martov, one of the founders of the journal 'Iskra', along with Lenin, which became the main political newspaper of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party.
A pamphlet describing educational and cultural organizations as well as the political parties present in the Zakarpatska Oblast, following the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye in 1919, which became a part of Czechoslovakia.
A brochure by a 'patriotic' Austrian who fantasizes a war between Austria and Russia, beginning in March 1918 and ending on July 18, 1918, resulting in a total victory for the Austrians and the subsequent formation of a 'Grand-Habsburg'.
Speeches concerning Polish and Ukrainian political relations in Galicia by members of the Austrian parliament, Yatsko Ostapchuk and Semen Vityk, representing the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party, as well as Ignacy Daszyński, representing the…
A report by the Austrian Society of the Red Cross, for the period from March 1, 1914 to February 28, 1916, which details the management of assets, expenditures, and tasks completed.
Vsevolod Kokhovsky's short novel, originally titled 'Mr. Komarchuk', and published under his pen name, appears here under the title of 'Mr. Lover of the People', a satire of the liberal nobility.
Ukrainian translation of Alexander Parvus' 'Fur die Demokratie - gegen den Zarismus', which considers the possibility of Tsarist Russia winning the war and the political fallout for the powers of the Entente and the Alliance.