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Curators' Message

The process of creating this exhibit was a challenge. We recognize that the stories we featured in this exhibit represent only a small portion of the perspectives and issues present on campus during this time.

We hope this exhibit inspires visitors to reflect on and discuss gender equity. We also hope to encourage more people to work with the U of T Archives in order to show a more balanced history of the University. We conclude with a quote, from Ursula Franklin, that echoes the importance of the stories presented in this exhibit.

-Bryna Bernstein, Camilo Mejia, Kes Murray

“All those stories - about not going through the front door, not having women’s washrooms, not being able to speak - those stories should not be lost because once change comes, really genuine and true change, the landscape so changes that the artifacts of the past look quaint and peculiar and seem to be figments of the imagination. The fact that these obstacles were real obstacles I think deserves recording.” 

-Ursula Franklin’s speech at the Ottawa Symposium on the History of the Canadian Women’s Movement in 2008

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Bryna Bernstein

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Camilo Mejia


Kes Murray

Curators' Message