List of preserved websites that belong to the formal category:
Doha Round
IMF Meetings
World Trade Organization Ministerial Conferences
United Nations (UN) Sessions, Meetings and Conferences (click here to access)
- UN General Assembly
- UN Security Council
- UN Economic and Social Council
- UN Trusteeship Council
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- The UNGA Special Session on Drugs
- World Humanitarian Summit
- Third International Conference on Financing for Development
- Sustainable Development Summit
- UNGA Meeting on World Summit on the Information Society
- The World Conference on Indigenous Peoples
- International Conference on Small Island Developing States
- UN Forum on Forests
- UN Conference on Sustainable Development (RIO+20)
- Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
- UN Summit on the Millenium Development Goals
- UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development
- Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development
- High Level Event on the Millenium Development Goals
- High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development
- 2005 World Summit
- 10 Year Review of the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme for Action
- 10 Year Review of the Beijing Declaration and Programme for Action
- Phase Two of the World Summit on the Information Society
- 10 Year Review of the Barbados Programme for Action
- International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries
- World Summit on the Information Society
- International Conference on Financing for Development
- World Summit on Sustainable Development
- Second World Assembly on Ageing
- Special Session on Children
- World Food Summit: 5 Years Later
- Third UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries
- Special Session of the General Assembly for and Overall Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the Habitat Agenda
- Special Session of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS
- Millennium Summit
- World Education Forum
- Social Summit +5
- 5 Year Review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
- Special Session of the General Assembly on the International Conference on Population and Development
- Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
- World Food Summit
- Fourth World Conference on Women
- World Summit for Social Development
- International Conference on Population and Development
- Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Development States
- World Conference on Human Rights
- UN Conference on Environment and Development
- International Conference on Nutrition
- World Summit on Children
- World Conference on Education for All
- Second United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
- 2001 UN Conference (Durban World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance)
- Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment
- Bucharest and Mexico City Conferences on Population
- Nairobi Women's Conference
- Tehran Conference on Human Rights