Mykhaĭlo Lozynskyĭ's Ukrainian translation of Friedrich Engels' 'Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft' originally published in 1880.
Volodymyr Levynsky's Ukrainian translation of Friedrich Engels' 'Grundsätze des Kommunismus' from 1847, as well as a short piece by Levynsky titled 'Narid i sotsiializm'.
Ukrainian translation of a work by Friedrich Hertz, considering the effects of socialism on the economics of agriculture as well as agricultural policy.
A memorandum presented by the diplomatic representative of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Julian Batchinsky, to the American Secretary of State in Washington, which sets forth, 'the just claims of the Ukrainian people to political and economic…
Ukrainian translation by Antin Krushelnytsky of Gabriela Zapolska's short play 'W Dąbrowie górniczej' from 1899, whose action revolves around the instigation of a strike and explores the theme of solidarity within the mining community.
Written by a Soviet foreign correspondent, A Skyscraper Dissected takes its title from a poem by Vladimir Maiakovskii and portrays the “sharp political and social contradictions” that divided the U.S.
This newsclipping shows a letter to the editor of The Vancouver Sun on January 2, 1942. The letter was submitted by George J. Felton. In it, Felton raises the concern about the security of the coastal areas in British Columbia and argues that "no…
This film is a documentary about Bill 60, Quebec's Charter of Values, which was proposed in September 2013. This Bill would have banned public employees from wearing “ostentatious religious symbols” to work and prohibited such employees from…