This is the first page of a tract distributed by Jehovah's Witnesses in Quebec. Premier Duplessis had members of the Jehovah's Witnesses arrested for handing out these tracts in the name of "public order".
This video was produced by Tourism Toronto to promote the city, which typically bills itself as being diverse and tolerant. Tourism Toronto provides the following description: "The views are different in Toronto. A city where all flavours are…
This is a link to a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada. Laurier Samur, a practicing Jehovah’s Witness challenged a City of Quebec by-law that forbade
the distribution in the street of the City of any book, pamphlet, booklet, circular,…
This is a hyperlink to a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Chaput v. Romain (1955) case. The case involved members of the provincial police who broke up a meeting that was conducted by a minister of the
Jehovah’s Witnesses in the…
This is the Supreme Court of Canada's decision in Roncarelli v. Duplessis (1959). Roncarelli had provoked the ire of Premier Duplessis by posting bail for members of the Jehovah's Witnesses who had been arrested for distributing pamphlets. Duplessis…
This is a hyperlink to the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Lamb v. Benoit (1959). Louise Lamb was arrested in 1946 while distributing pamphlets on the street in Quebec. Police believed she was distributing the pamphlet “Quebec’s Burning…
This document is an illustrated text of the Canadian Bill of Rights, which preceded the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Canadian Bill of Rights committed the federal government "the recognition and protection of human rights and…
This file is a digital story book that explores the "waves of feminism" in Canada. It tells the stories of women who fought for equality rights in Canada.
The report by CityNews provides a general oversight to a variety of abuses and horrific work place conditions experienced by temporary foreign migrant workers. Although Canada is praised internationally for its immigration system, the report sheds…
This file contains a record of a newspaper article published in the Globe and Mail in 1964. The author expresses concern that the immigration policy at the time was not sufficient to meet the demand for workers in the province of Ontario. This…
This newspaper article expresses concern about the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), which was initiated in 1973. This article illustrates how concern had shifted from bringing high skilled workers to bringing in low skilled workers to…
This newspaper article reports on one of the most significant jobs losses in Canadian history, where a majority of auto-industry workers lost their jobs as a result of a financial crisis stemming from the United States.
This newspaper article reports on debates surrounding pay equity, as Ontario considered enacting equal pay legislation. This article highlights some of political issues related to employment that existed at the same time that foreign workers were…
This image file is a screenshot of a post on the Liberal Party of Canada's website, which reported on a motion made by Liberal Party MP John McCallum in Canadian Parliament to amend the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Note that the governing party…
This segment on The Stream by Al Jazeera provides insight on concerns about the Temporary Foreign Worker Programs and the direction reforms should take in order to fall in line with Canadian values. The video notes conflicting public views about the…
This data from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (name of organization at time of publication) represents the five provinces with the highest number of temporary
foreign workers. The data illustrates how policy changes to the TFWP affected the…
This report illustrates how the Canadian economy relies on low-wage migrant workers who are granted temporary residency rights in Canada. The legal framework underpinning the Temporary Foreign Workers Program leaves these workers vulnerable to…
This is an excerpt from Fay Faraday's report, "Made in Canada : How the Law Constructs Migrant Workers' Insecurity" (Toronto: Metcalf Foundation 2012), p. 24. It illustrates the difficulties that temporary foreign workers have in getting permanent…
This is a photograph of the Treaty of Paris, 1763. Through the signatures of England, France and Spain, the French rule of the Québec colony was transferred to the British. Section 4 of the Treaty gives the French in Quebec the right to practice…
Above, is an exact replica of the BNA Act, sent to Canada by the British government, in honour of Canada’s 150th Birthday. The BNA Act was a symbolic piece of Canadian History, especially one of religious significance, as it protected freedom of…