Dr. C.A. Kennedy 1910-1912, 1913-1915, 1917-1937
Dr. Charles Angus Kennedy was born in Aurora, Ontario, in 1875 ("C. Angus Kennedy," 1938). He graduated from the Royal College of Dental Surgeons in Toronto in 1899 ("Charles Angus Kennedy," n.d.). After practicing general dentistry for a few years, he eventually devoted his time to specializing in Orthodontia in 1915 ("C. Angus Kennedy," 1938). He was an Instructor in Clinical Orthodontia at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto from 1917-1930, and was appointed the position of Associate Professor of Orthodontia between 1930-1937 ("Charles Angus Kennedy," n.d.).
Since 1910, Kennedy became the Curator of the Dental Museum and Librarian at the College ("C. Angus Kennedy," 1938). Dr. Kennedy spent a lot of his time obtaining books and museum specimens of special interest relating to dentistry ("Resolution Adopted...," 1937). Part of his collection included records pertaining to the history of dentistry in Ontario ("Photographs of Past Presidents," 1936, p. 31). He spent three years collecting photographs of the past presidents of the Ontario Dental Association for posterity ("Photographs of Past Presidents," 1936, p. 31). He often used his librarian salary towards the purchasing of new books for the students. He was responsible for securing the bequest by Dr. H.R. Abbott's sister in 1925, which enriched the library's collection for many years to come (RCDS, 1924). He also organized and maintained framed photographs and paintings of key figures in Ontario dentistry and the RCDS, including past deans (RCDS, 1923). He was instrumental in convincing the Board to hire a full-time professional librarian to oversee the management and colllection of the Dentistry Library and the H.R. Abbott bequest.
Selected Works
Kennedy, C.A. (1912). Oral hygiene. Oral Health Vol. 2: 62-63.
Kennedy, C.A. (1914). The Niagara military dental clinic. Oral Health Vol. 5: 424-425.
Kennedy, C.A. (1921). Some things a dental practitioner should know about orthodontia to best serve his patient. Oral Health Vol. 11 (10): 359-362.
"Photographs of Past Presidents." (1936). The Journal of the Ontario Dental Association Vol. 11 (1): 31-32.
Royal College of Dental Surgeons. (1923). Annual announcement of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Canada, 1923.
Royal College of Dental Surgeons. (1924). Annual announcement of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Canada, 1924.
The Senate of the University of Toronto. (1937). Resolution Adopted by the Senate of Toronto on November 12, 1937. Unpublished manuscript, the Senate of the University of Toronto, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
University of Toronto Dentistry Library. (1938). C. Angus Kennedy. Unpublished manuscript, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
University of Toronto Dentistry Library. (n.d.). Charles Angus Kennedy. Unpublished manuscript, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.