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Susan Goddard 1978-1997

Susan Goddard was Faculty librarian at the Dentistry Library from 1978 to 1997. Under her leadership the library experienced changes to the space and collections.  Susan oversaw the planning of major renovation from 1983-1986, including addition of computer terminals with CD-ROMS for faster searching of medical information in the 1980s, the arrival of the internet in the mid-1990 and thus, the automation of the collection records, and of course the beginning of online collection items. Library services changed greatly during this time. The role of the librarian transformed from one focused on collecting print to one of provided research services and support. In the mid-1980s Susan Goddard, Susan Murray (another librarian) and other library staff started to provide support for searching dentistry topics on the CD-ROM at the library. Thus begun the still growing research support of search strategies using methods still used today by current medical librarians. As users were able to obtain long lists of articles on their topic using MEDLINE, the number of interlibrary loan and resource sharing requests increased. Susan ensured that staff were trained and able to fulfill request by photocopying articles and starting a service called Book Delivery - where books requested by faculty members were delivered in their offices.  

Faculty Librarians
Susan Goddard 1978-1997