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Stephanie Walker 1997-2003

Stephanie Walker brought the Dentistry Library into the new millenium. Her innovative ideas inspired a new type of library that served it's users with the latest technologies of the time. Ms. Walker begun her term at the 100 year mark of the library (1997) and started by organizing the automation of all the card catalogue records into the University of Toronto Libraries' catalogue system, the Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue).  The largest dental collection in Canada was now searchable online for anyone to see. Ms. Walker quickly established herself as a key stakeholder of communications at the faculty. She contributed to the faculty newsletter monthly and overtook the role of Web Administrator for the Faculty of Dentistry. She also begun the practice of curriculum-based library instruction for better evidence-based dental practice. She formed partnerships with faculty members at dentistry, especially the Dental Public Health department, on teaching a new generation of dentists how to search for evidence online using databases and search engines (particularly AltaVista!).  The foundation of that partnership between the library and the DPH department are still strong today and the librarians continue to play an important role in instruction.

Ms. Walker was granted funds to hire a new position in 2002  - the Web Services and Instruction Librarian - a role first filled by Margaret Fulford. The role included maintaining not only the library website, but the entire faculty website. During this time, Margaret and Stephanie worked hard at creating a website that was information-rich and highlighted all of the faculty research and important departments, such as the Continuing Dental Education department and the Alumni department (current Advancement). They also maintained faculty profiles - a summary of each faculty members' CV. 

Faculty Librarians
Stephanie Walker 1997-2003