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Studies in Jesus as Teacher 作为教师对耶稣的研究

Studies in Jesus as Teacher 作为教师对耶稣的研究
By Henry Burton Sharman
Harper & brothers Publishers, New York and London
Second Impression, 1938
Courtesy of the James G. Endicott Family 

The theological writings and methods promoted by Dr. Henry Burton Sharman (1865-1953) had a lasting impact on James G. Endicott and Mary Austin. Sharman was a key figure in the Student Christian Movement, which challenged the authority of Christian dogma by calling on adherents to study the life of Jesus (as a man) such as it had been recorded in the synoptic gospels of Mathew, Mark, and Luke. Sharmans work was popular among students at Victoria College and the younger generation of missionaries in West China, who translated each volume of his work into Chinese and organized study retreats. This text outlines Sharmans method and contains group discussion questions. 

Dr. Henry Burton Sharman(1865-1953)的神学著作与研究方法对文幼章和文月华产生了深远的影响。Sharman是学生基督教运动的重要推动者,该运动通过呼吁信徒深入研究耶稣作为人的生平,挑战传统基督教教义的权威。这一研究主要聚焦于《马太福音》《马可福音》和《路加福音》等对观福音书中的记载。Dr. Sharman的著作在维多利亚学院的学生中广受欢迎,同时也深受中国西部年轻一代传教士的推崇。这些传教士不仅将 Dr. Sharman的每一部著作翻译成中文,还定期组织静修活动,以共同探讨其思想。本书概述了 Dr. Sharman的方法论,并附带了小组讨论的问题。 

James G. Endicott
Studies in Jesus as Teacher