Section 2 - Education with a Purpose 教育的使命
As a member of the West China mission in Sichuan, Jim gained prominence through his educational work among China’s cultural and political elite. His innovative “Direct Method” English course was so successful that it earned him a position at Chongqing University, where he encountered like-minded educational reformers.
In 1939, he became an advisor for the New Life Movement, initiated by President Chiang Kai-shek and his wife Soong Mei-ling. This movement attempted to combine Christian and Confucian understandings of self-cultivation through a revival of traditional Chinese virtues. Madame Chiang had tasked Jim with reporting on the movement’s progress but when he expressed concerns about fascist influences within the Nationalist Party, it led him into open conflict with China’s top leaders. After a tense confrontation with Chiang Kai-shek, Jim resigned and returned to teach English at Chongqing University.
In 1946, Communist leader Zhou Enlai approached Jim about publishing an underground paper for Shanghai’s foreign community critical of Chiang’s regime, to which he agreed. When the Chinese Civil War forced Jim to return to Canada in 1947, he changed the paper’s name from the Shanghai Newsletter to the Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter and repurposed its content to educate Canadians about China and the struggle of its people.
1946年,应共产主义领导人周恩来的邀请,文幼章开始了地下工作,给上海的英文读者撰写文章和宣传共产党政策。他参与创办了刊物Shanghai Newsletter,致力于揭露蒋介石政权的腐败与反民主本质。1947年,中国内战爆发,文幼章被迫返回加拿大,他将刊物更名为Canadian Far Eastern Newsletter,并调整内容,向加拿大民众宣传中国人民在战争与革命中的艰难斗争。