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Section 4 - Salvation Beyond the Nation 超越国界的救赎

James G. Endicott’s life was defined by his courage to challenge established norms and political loyalties, often at great personal cost. After resigning from the West China mission in 1946, Jim criticized the Nationalist Party in reports he sent back to Canada’s Bureau of External Affairs, which recommended the government distance itself from a regime he felt had no political future in China. The following year, Jim returned to Canada and embarked on a year-long speaking tour on which he shared his positive evaluation of the Chinese Revolution. He later founded the Canadian Peace Congress and joined the World Peace Council alongside notable figures like Pablo Picasso, W.E.B. Dubois, and Paul Robeson. In 1950, Jim helped draft the Stockholm Appeal for a nuclear weapons ban, signed by 300,000 Canadians.      

During the Korean War, Jim criticized Western involvement at speaking events hosted around the globe by the World Council of Peace. In 1952, he accused the US of experimenting with biological warfare in Korea and Northeast China, and his statement condemning these actions was broadcast by Radio Moscow. This led to calls for Jim to be tried for treason, a course the Canadian government considered but ultimately abandoned. Jim’s status as one of the most controversial figures of Canada’s Cold War was cemented when he accepted the Stalin Peace Prize in 1953. In his acceptance speech, referenced in Rebel Out of China, Jim told the audience seated at the Kremlin that he understood the peace movement as an extension of his missionary experience in China. “Then, as now, he said, he had sought to establish a practical basis for universal brotherhood.” 


1947年,文幼章返回加拿大,展开为期一年的巡回演讲,公开谴责政府将剩余军火出售给国民党,并分享他对中国革命的独到见解。他创建了加拿大和平大会,负责组织工作,并在世界和平理事会担任职务,期间与Pablo Picasso、W.E.B. Du Bois、Paul Robeson等知名人士共事。1950年,他协助起草了《斯德哥尔摩宣言》,呼吁全面禁止核武器。在国内,文幼章组织了示威活动,收集了超过30万份支持这一运动的签名。  


Section 4 - Salvation Beyond the Nation