Missionary Life in Chongqing 传教士在重庆的生活
Missionary Life in Chongqing 传教士在重庆的生活
[Mr. Wang Lieh Guang, pastor of Shiao Sze Dze Church, Chungking], [193-?], 1998.029P/5, F3087 – James G. Endicott fonds, The United Church of Canada Archives, Toronto, Ontario.
Pictured here is Wang Lieh-guang (Wang Lieguang), pastor of the church at Little Cross Roads in Chongqing. Out of necessity, the missions relied on local converts to Christianity to provide services to the community and help administer church affairs. When pastor Wang died suddenly of cholera, James G. Endicott was appointed to take his place. Often at odds with older missionaries, he resigned from the position after less than two years to take up teaching English full time. Also pictured is a hand drawn map of Chongqing and the surrounding area that offers a bird’s eye view of the city from the perspective of a Western missionary.