Acknowledgements and Credits

Acknowledgements: We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who helped locate and provide the stories and photographs that formed this exhibit. A special thank you to Marnee Gamble, Special Media Archivist, and Tys Klumpenhouwer, University Archivist at the University of Toronto Archives & Records Management Services (UTARMS); Sonia De Buglio, Director of Alumni Relations in The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering; Leslie Barnes, Digital Scholarship Librarian at the University of Toronto; Amanda Hacio, Communications Assistant, Engineering Strategic Communications; Muskan Sethi, Skule History enthusiast.

Credits: This exhibit was curated and created by staff at the Engineering & Computer Science Library, University of Toronto.

Project Lead: Mindy Thuna, Head, Engineering & Computer Science Library

Project Assistant: Evelyn Feldman, Graduate Student Library Assistant, Engineering & Computer Science Library