J. Galbraith's Lecture Notes


John Galbraith, 1846-1914. Photograph taken in 1890. UTARMS, B1978-0001/002(01).

John Galbraith was appointed the School of Practical Science's first Professor of Engineering in 1878. Galbraith was School Principal for the SPS and when the school became the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering in 1906, he was its first dean.

Galbraith's lectures included courses in Strength of Materials, Theory of Construction, Dynamics, and Compound Stress.

Below you can view the cover from his lecture notes for a Compound Stress Class and a selection of notes from the Year 4 Hydraulics course.


Galbraith's notebook for a Compound Stress course, 1891. UTARMS, A1970-0001/001.

Hydraulics, Year IV, 1900-1901. UTARMS, B1970-0001/002(07).

Galbraith's lectures were't limited to technical classes--one student's recollections describe a French course taught by "Johnny" Galbraith, including some of the students' sneaky homework tactics:

H. V. Haight, class of 1896, on John Galbraith's French class.png

H. V. Haight, class of 1896 (Engineering Society. Transactions and Yearbook, 1923. p. 89)