The Architecture Library

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The Architecture Library. UTARMS, A1965-0004/033 (6.52).

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The Architecture Library and reading room, with statue of Moses, ca. 1906. UTARMS, A1965-0004/033(6.53).

The School of Practical Science housed the University's architecture programs for 53 years, from 1890 until 1948, when it separated into its own faculty, now the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design.

The architecture program had its own library and reading room in the School of Practical Science, pictured above and to the right.

The statues from this architecture library can now be found in the Eberhard Zeidler Library, in the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design.


Venus statue in the Eberhard Zeidler Library. Photo credit: Evelyn Feldman.


Moses statue in the Eberhard Zeidler Library. Photo credit: Evelyn Feldman.