W.C. Lumbers, Mech & Elec 1901

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Graduation Portrait, William Cooper Lumbers, 1901. UTARMS, B1987-0029(01)P.

William Cooper Lumbers was a student at the School of Practical Science from 1897-1901, graduating in 1901 with a diploma in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

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Diploma of William Cooper Lumbers in the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto School of Practical Science, 1901. UTARMS, B1987-0029/00.


Group portrait of SPS students, 1900. Lumbers is in the front row, second from the right. UTARMS, B1987-0029/(02)P.


Group photograph of SPS students and professors, ca. 1900. Lumbers is in the middle row, first on the right. UTARMS, B1987-0029/(03)P.