What Does a Canadian Look Like?
What does a Canadian look like? What should a Canadian look like? In this section, we explore some of the dimensions of our expectations about what Canadians look like. Of particular interest is the ongoing debates about whether Canadians cover their faces (yes if the face is covered by a beard, hockey mask, or winter clothing, but only maybe if the face is covered by a niqab or burkha) or wear religious types of clothing. These debates, which occur as much in court as out of court, reflect our ongoing struggle to make Canada inclusive and to keep society tolerant while at the same time not stretching so far as to become "unCanadian"....whatever that means. One trend is certainly evident: we are willing to talk about it. We are willing to try to resolve our differences mostly through discussion and the promotion of cross-cultural understanding. Canadian society has its ugly side and there are culturally ignorant actions and words. However, there is also evidence of bridge-building and genuine efforts to get to know the "other".