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Canadian Law and Canadian Identity
About This Project
Canadian Values: An Introduction
The Magna Carta: The Beginning of the Rule of Law
The Rule of Law in Canada
Openness and Transparency
Inclusiveness and Tolerance
Human Rights
Canadian Values: Equality
Canadian Values and our Identity
The Historic Roots of Canada's Three Legal Systems
Canadian Legal Systems
Overview of the Court System in Canada
Bijuralism and Bilingualism Today
Indigenous Legal Traditions
The Canadian Constitution and Indigenous Legal Traditions
Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Race, Space, and Place in Canada
Hockey and the Construction of Identity in Canada
Strengthening Canadian Communities: United Through Hockey
Unifying Communities through Hockey: Municipal Sports Outreach Programs
Laying Down the Law in Hockey
Canada’s Forgotten National Sport
One Mountain; Two Identities
Canadian Federalism and Barriers to Inter-Provincial Trade
Canadian Law and Religion
Canadian Law and Religion: Historic Roots
Canadian Law and Religion: Lord Durham's Report
Canadian Law and Religion: Confederation
Canadian Law and Religion: The Quiet Revolution
Canadian Law and Religion: The Charter Era
Canadian Law and Religion: Losing our Religion
Canadian Law and Religion: Faith-based Arbitration in Ontario
Canadian Law and Religion: The Québec Charter of Values
What Does a Canadian Look Like?
What do Canadian Women Look Like?
What Do Canadians Wear? The Hijab.
What do Canadians Wear? Turbans.
Canadian Law and Canadian "Wrongs": Persecuting Minorities
Canadian Wrongs: The Japanese Internment and Deportations
Canadian Wrongs: The Uses and Abuses of Law in the Japanese Case
Canadian Wrongs: What Led to the Internment of Japanese-Canadians?
Canadian Wrongs: Reconciliation and Redress for Japanese-Canadians
Canadian Law and Canadian "Wrongs": The Chinese Head Tax
Canadian Wrongs: The Historical Context of the Chinese Head Tax
Canadian Wrongs: Redressing the Chinese Head Tax
Canadian Wrongs: Quebec's Attack on Jehovah's Witnesses
Canadian Wrongs: Jehovah's Witnesses before the Supreme Court of Canada
Canadian Wrongs: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Era of Rights
Canadian Wrongs: Migrant Workers
Canadian Wrongs: The Temporary Foreign Workers Program
Canadian Wrongs: Reforming the Temporary Foreign Workers Program
The Canadian "Person": Women and the Law
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women
Canadian Women and the Law: A Selection of Cases
Indigenous Peoples, Canada, and Property
Indigenous Peoples and Treaties in Ontario
Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law: Making Room for Wampum Belts
Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law: Making Room for Oral Tradition
Canadian Law and Identity: Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism: Rooted in Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Canadian Multiculturalism Today
Multiculturalism: The Official Response to the Bi and Bi Commission
Special Thanks from Dr T
Canadian Values: An Introduction
Canadian Values: The Eh Team
← About This Project
The Magna Carta: The Beginning of the Rule of Law →
Canadian Values: An Introduction